Friday 5 February 2010

Metal Gear, was quite Solid, but getting rickety with age.

You may have noticed that the first fews posts are coming thick and fast. I have a lot to say and rather than put it in one giant wall of text I'm splitting it up into topical posts. Hey, at least this blog will have some content rather than the usual "Hey guys welcome to my blog, I'm soooo looking forward to posting in it" followed by, well nothing.

Metal Gear Solid. I was brought to the fold of MGS by two guys I used to hang out with. They played it unceasingly and knew EVERYTHING about it. At first I was disinterested, I was a faithful Nintendo fan and refused to be tainted by the Sony demon. Then I got the PC version which was a nice dodge for me. I didn't get a Sony console until halfway through the PS2's lifespan when decent Gamecube titles began to tail off. Metal Gear Solid is one of those games that divides people. I LOVE it, my best friend thinks it's bloody AWFUL. I'm not talking about MGS4 by the way, as far as I'm concerned the series ended at the finale of the second game, and even then I was bloody irritated by Raiden (Who else thought he was a girl when they saw the concept art?) MGS4 for me is a bit like the South Park episode where George Lucas and Steven Spielberg anally rape Indiana Jones in reference to Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Why would you do that, Kojima San, Hideo if I may, why? Anyway, thats enough tangents. MGS is brilliant. I play the Gamecube remake, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. It's a faithful reproduction of the original with innovative new elements that only serve to improve the overall experience. If you don't have a Gamecube or a Wii the PS1 and PC versions (which are identicle for all intents and purposes) are both extremely playable games. They aren't ridiculously hard, the whole point is NOT to get into a fight and sneaking through the armory surrounded by heavily armed soldiers who, unlike most game enemies are more than capable of besting you in a straight fight, is a tense moment. The message here is, if you're to young to remember MGS as it was, or you simply never played it, don't judge it by MGS4 which taught us that any succesful franchise can be ruined by to many ideas in one place and MGS3 which taught us that your average jungle is composed of a series of tree walled rooms and lying in foot deep grass will conceal you from a six foot tall soldier standing two feet away. If you have a system that MGS is available for, don't hesitate to get it, you won't regret it. If you do get MGS and like it, give WinBack for the N64 a go (It's readily available as a PS2 port if you don't have an N64 but the N64 version runs a little smoother.) Anyway, that's that for MGS, if you play it and like it, do let me know won't you?

1 comment:

  1. This isn't about this post, it's about your sidewall. Why are there no console games on there? Surely you're not ONLY playing PC games at the moment?

    I'm liking the blog, by the way. Keep it up!
