Friday 5 February 2010

So anyway, I decided to write a blog.

I am one of those people who avoid social networking and blogging. I know that's a bit hypocritical for somebody who's writing a blog but I decided after a lot of thought that it's the lesser of two evils. At least a blog doesn't have the annoying and CONSTANT need to be updated. I had a facebook account, I really did and after two days of constantly having to update my status lest my close friends believe I had died or fallen down a well or something without having the courtesy to inform them. I think my last status update was along the lines of "****** Is eating a biscuit." I think that was the point where I decided that my friends could live without knowing my every move, anyway if they ever need to know EXACTLY where I am and what I'm doing they can ask my fiance. How the hell she knows is a mystery to me. Right on to business. If you read the title you already probably have a small idea what this blog is all about. I have a passion, a real love that even my fiance has managed to accept will make our marriage into a slightly twisted polygamous affair with a collection of inanimate objects. I am of course, reffering to video games. By current reckoning, and this is only an estimate, my collection is composed of roughly seven hundred games, not counting iPhone apps, DLC from services like Steam, PSN and XBOX Live Arcade. My taste is eclectic, glancing up at the shelf above my PC I've got everything from Baldurs Gate (If you haven't played it go and do so,) to Need For Speed: Most Wanted and every genre in between. About the only thing I won't touch is sports games. Now here's my apology to all you Fifa freaks out there. I accept your game is a good simul;ation, I accept it is accurate and the graphics are stunning, but football (soccer to you yanks) on TV drives me insane and the thought of having to actually participate in the experience really does make me want to go and sit quietly and rock back and forth somewhere....... or just play Tetris and smile wierdly at the people on the bus.... anyway. This blog will not be a self serving chronicle of my life, I won't post three line updates about how much I hate my job (I do) I won't tell you you're an idiot if you don't share my opinions. These posts are about something I love, and therefore I can't promise they'll all be funny, I can't promise you'll agree with them, I can promise they'll be honest. My point is, I know games, and with the previously mentioned exception, I will try anything once, RPG's are my real passion nowadays but in my first real post I want to take you back to my roots and talk about something that defined my childhood. A game that I grew up on during the late eighties and nineties console wars. A platformer whose main character became the mascot of his parent company. There were two camps, and I came from the blue and spikey one.

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